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Office of the Chief Technology Officer

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OCTO's Connect.DC Program to Host Twitter Townhall on April 22nd from 1pm to 2pm

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Follow the conversation using #ConnectDC

The Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) Connect.DC program will host a Twitter Townhall on Wednesday April 22nd from 1pm to 2pm to discuss the important role technology can play in improving our lives and our careers. We will be joined by Byte Back who has partnered with the District to provide free training.

The Twitter Townhall is one piece in a major awareness campaign to ensure the folks who need technology training and technology can access it. This is one of many proactive effort by Mayor Muriel Bowser to create pathways to the middle class for District residents.

What is a Twitter Chat?

Twitter Chats are live discussions that take place on Twitter about any given topic. Tweets related to the discussion are labeled with a hashtag - a word or phrase with the # sign; for example #ConnectDC

How Do Join a Twitter Chat?

Do you have a Twitter Account?

  • If yes, simply log in and search for #connectdc
  • If you don't, either create an account or you can watch on Twitter

How do I participate?

@Connectdotdc and @OCTOdc will moderate the discussion. Follow them and here are some tips:

  1. All tweets will have the hashtag #connectdc
  2. Each question will be labeled Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
  3. Your answers should have A1, A2, A3 an the #connectdc hashtag

Still have questions?

Email [email protected] with any questions and we'll do our best to help.