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DC GIS Offers Improved KML Data for Google Earth and Esri ArcGIS Explorer

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Download enhanced KML data from the District's data catalog.

The District of Columbia's GIS program now provides all publicly available geospatial data layers in Google KML format with improved performance, frequent data updates, and enhanced appearance.  They provide the District and its customers a more complete and enjoyable user experience through attractive, consistent, high-performance data in KML.

This is done by serving District geospatial data as network links.  These files can be consumed by any application that supports KML, such as Esri's ArcGIS Explorer, Google Earth and Google Maps.  Large data sets that were previously unavailable in Google format, such as property ownership polygons and address points, can now be used with optimal display performance and utility.  Users only need to download the KML file once; the update is automatically propagated to the user when the District updates its data catalog.

These data can be downloaded at