首席技术官办公室全市 IT 安全办公室的使命旨在确保华盛顿特区政府 IT 数据、应用程序和基础设施的机密性、完整性和可用性。
由 KnowBe4 提供的年度网络安全意识培训将于 2022 年 10 月启动。
根据最新研究,95% 的网络事件是由人为错误引起的,并且本可以轻易避免。今年的基于场景的培训课程旨在帮助您识别和避免一些最常见的威胁。
培训是由首席技术官办公室 (OCTO) 协调与员工的沟通将由华盛顿特区人力资源部 (DCHR) 发送。该电子邮件将包含访问课程的链接以及如何登录的说明。有关该计划的更多信息可以在下面的常见问题部分找到。
所有特区政府雇员和特区政府承包商必须在 2022 年 12 月 30 日星期五之前完成网络安全培训课程。培训包括有关识别常见网络攻击的信息;网络安全最佳实践;“远程工作”培训模块;最后是“网络钓鱼意识”培训模块。
所有特区政府雇员和特区政府承包商必须在 2021 年 12 月 31 日星期五之前完成网络安全培训课程。过去 90 天内注册过课程的用户无需再次完成该课程。
访问课程的 URL 是什么?
You will use your DC Government credentials that you usually use to login to your device or email.
Please call your agency CIO or IT lead to assist you with resetting your DC Gov password or call OCTOhelps at (202) 671-1566.
The recommended browser is the most current version of Google Chrome. If the link to access the training still does not work, try cutting and pasting the URL address to the Cybersecurity course directly into your browser and/or try a different web browser like Firefox or Safari.
If link problems persist, contact your Agency/IT Lead or call OCTOhelps at (202) 671-1566.
No. You may hang onto those for your own files. OCTO, DCHR and Training Administrators are able to review compliance reports on the backend. We do not need copies of your certificates.
If using a screen reader, such as JAWS, after selecting and opening the course link, enter their username and password to log in. They will be prompted to change the default password. After resetting their password, select "Continue." They should then select the “start” link on the next page. On the course welcome page, navigate to the heading by using the letter “H.” After that, read the screen reader specific message below the heading, then use the tab key until you land on the “launch screen reader mode” button. They would select this button to start the course which is optimized for screen readers.
If you have any questions about the training, please contact [email protected].
"击注意,当您点击击 些击 接击,您将被引击 到击 一个网站,其内容可能未击 翻击 成您指定击 言。"
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